SafeGate Light Curtain | ReeR

SafeGate Light Type 4 Light Curtain

Type 4 access control safety light curtains

Safety light curtain with integrated muting functions The new SAFEGATE type 4 range of safety light curtains is the ideal solution for the protection of a vast number of high-risk industrial applications, in particular those requiring a highlevel of integration of the muting functions. SAFEGATE guarantees the integration of the muting sensors that can be connected directly to the safety light curtain. Hardware configurable models (SM/SMO) allow configuration of the muting logic and functional parameters via the main connector wiring Programmable models (SMPO) functional parameters configuration is managed instead via Safegate Configuration Software (SCS)

  • SAFEGATE SM Hardware configuration
  • SAFEGATE S Without Muting functions
  • SAFEGATE LR High range (long range safety light curtains)
  • Temperature rating : -30 ... +55 °C

SafeGate Light Type 4 Light Curtain ReeR Ireland