Dinel s.r.o. Level Switch and Transmitters
Dinel Level Transmitters and Switches Capacitance Radar Ultrasonic
Dinel s.r.o., founded in 1995 is one of the most influential manufacturers of level transmitters and level switches. Dinel level meters and limit sensors fulfill various requirements in a wide range of industrial applications in Ireland, e.g. agricultural technology and food industry, plastic materials technology, chemical industry, petroleum and gas, heating and water processing technology, building materials processing technology and packaging technology. Besides that our power supplies, control units, and controllers are very frequently used in various control and measuring systems. Dinel s.r.o. offers a wide range of safety sensing solutions:
- CLM/DLM Capacitance level meters
- GRLM-70 Guided Wave TDR Radar level meters
- ULM-70/50 Ultrasonic level transmitters
- RFLS-35/28 HF level switch
- DLS27/35 Capacitive level switch
- CLS-53N Capacitive level switch
- FLD-32 Thru-wall level sensor “Flexi Watch”
- CNP-18 Conductive level switch